Role and Function of the

Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs

The Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs (MLCA) has been established to take charge of, and give focused attention to, the Government’s legislative agenda and its legal and constitutional reform aspirations. The creation of the MLCA is the Government’s attempt to holistically revisit the legal and constitutional infrastructure of the State and accelerate the pace of reform.

Our Leadership

Office of the Parliamentary Counsel

The Office of the Parliamentary Counsel is the Law Office of the Government charged with the responsibility for the preparation of draft legislation. It consists of a cadre of attorneys-at-law headed by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel and supported by administrative and secretarial staff. It is one of the four Legal Departments in the public sector – the others being: the Legal Reform Department (another Department under the Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs), the Attorney General’s Chambers, and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Legal Reform Department

The mandate of the Legal Reform Department is:

“To keep under review the laws applicable in Jamaica with a view to its systematic reform to meet the changing needs of the Jamaican Society, and to assist in the implementation of law reform proposals in accordance with Government policy.”

The Department therefore performs the dual functions of recommending law reform and implementing law reform recommendations, and in addition, performs various ancillary or supplemental duties.

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+(002) 0121-2843-661
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Menouf City , El-Menoufia, Egypt.
Shibin El-Kom , El-Menoufia, Egypt.

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