About Us



The Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs (MLCA) has been established to take charge of, and give focused attention to, the Government’s legislative agenda and its legal and constitutional reform aspirations. The creation of the MLCA is the Government’s attempt to holistically revisit the legal and constitutional infrastructure of the State and accelerate the pace of reform.

The MLCA has also been mandated to protect human rights and reform the Constitution so that it effectively serves and reflects the will of the people of Jamaica.  In addition, a robust Legal Education Programme will be implemented across the public sector to heighten awareness of the legislative review process, the role of all stakeholders in the process, and the need for full compliance with the law to prevent Government entities’ exposure to Court action and ultimately, liability.



To be a Centre of Excellence for the provision of sound legal advice and the reformation of the country’s legislative and Constitutional Agendas, redounding to good governance, public order, respect for the Rule of Law, and the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms.



To work collaboratively with all stakeholders in advancing the Legislative and Constitutional Agendas, maintain a cadre of qualified, experienced, competent, and high-performing professionals endowed with the utmost integrity, who relentlessly pursue excellence in service delivery, operational efficiency, and are always transparent and accountable to the people of Jamaica.

The purpose of the Public Education Programme on the Laws of Jamaica is to educate technocrats and all Jamaicans on the following:

The legislative process and the role of all stakeholders in the process;
The laws which govern the operations of Ministries, Departments and Agencies, and the need to comply with them;
Administrative/Public Law requirements for the exercise of statutory functions;
The Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and the role of the State in protecting people’s rights;
The Government’s Legal and Constitutional Reform Agendas.
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Contact Info

+(002) 0121-2843-661
+(002) 0106-8710-594
Menouf City , El-Menoufia, Egypt.
Shibin El-Kom , El-Menoufia, Egypt.

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