Office of the Parliamentary Counsel

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The Office of the Parliamentary Counsel is the Law Office of the Government charged with the responsibility for the preparation of draft legislation. It consists of a cadre of attorneys-at-law headed by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel and supported by administrative and secretarial staff. It is one of the four Legal Departments in the public sector – the others being: the Legal Reform Department (another Department under the Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs), the Attorney General’s Chambers, and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Role and Mission

The role and mission of the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel is to:

  1. Facilitate the Government in the task of governing by preparing draft legislation in fulfilment of its Legislative Programme and in pursuance of policy decisions at the Ministry level; and
  2. Give counsel to Parliament in the exercise of its law-making powers by advising on draft Bills which it seeks to enact.


In carrying out these functions, Parliamentary Counsel draft Bills and subsidiary legislation on instructions from client Ministries; advise Ministries on points of law relevant to proposed legislation; examine and comment on all Cabinet Submissions related to legislation; attend Legislation Committee (a Sub-Committee of Cabinet) and; when necessary; sittings of Parliament or Committees thereof when Bills are being taken.

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